Saturday, May 8, 2010

I haven't written in about four months. I wish I had something interesting to write about. It's the day before Mother's Day. I'm giving myself an early Mother's Day present in the form of self-pampering. I have about seven things I tcould be doing at this time, but I'm blogging on my netbook while sitting at the dining room table. The past three weeks were crazy hard. My final proposal for my grad school class was due on April 30th. Lily's First Communion was May 3rd. My parents-in-law and sister-in-law came up for the First Communion. We had a party afterwards. And poor Luke had to be out of town for four days from the 23rd-26th of April, come home for the party, and turn around and leave again. I'm wiped from all this. I halfway wanted to go out today, but as the day progressed, I wasn't feeling it so much. I have a really hard time dealing with just being at home normally, but it feels so good just to sit for a minute. No one needs to be dressed. No one has to be anywhere. I took care of mowing the grass and weeding the garden, so I haven't been a total slug today. The weather has been yuck all day long anyway. Maybe this was God's Mother's Day gift to me so I could rest and not feel bad about it.

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