Thursday, January 7, 2010

In praise of Michael Brandt

We have a snow day! By "we" I mean "I." My super-cool boss gave us the day off by about 5:15. But I sat immobile on the couch for about an hour after that, waiting for Michael Brandt, superintendent of Schools, to call off Newport Independent Schools. He did not. My kids' school system is close to the only one that is on a normal schedule in the Cincinnati metro region. Cincinnati Public Schools, Covington Independent Schools, and St. Xavier High School, infamous for staying open in blizzards, all closed. I'm sure this heralds the coming apocalypse. Still my poor children had to bundle up and go to school.

But how nice is that for me? Thank you, Michael Brandt. Thank you for giving me permission to watch a movie, if I want. Thank you for allowing me to go to the new SuperMegaKrogerville down the street from me without bringing Captain Uncooperative with me. Thanks for giving me a few hours without hearing, "Mommy?! Vincent hit me/bit me/pushed me,etc." or "Mommy?! I'm hungry!" Michael Brandt, you are my new hero! Hip, hip, HOORAY!

1 comment:

  1. I wrote about you on my blog today. I mentioned how awesome it must have been to be home without kids. Hooray for snow days!!! I had to work but I had very little trouble with the roads. I will talk to you soon.
