I'm trying to blog every day, just because I guess I should write or something. Today, I have no witty observations or nothin'. I'm fresh out. I went to the Clinton County Fair with my mom, my kids, and two of my sisters to see one of my sister's artwork. She won best of show for a photograph AND a painting she did. Kudos, Sis! We got to see pigs, sheep, goats, cows, and rabbits. Oh, and about a gazillion tractors. Sadly the overpriced carnaval rides were not operational, so I got to hold onto about twelve dollars of my hard-earned cash rather than do my part to stimulate the economy.
After we'd seen all that we could see we traveled in the way-back machine to Cassano's. When we were kids, we'd have Cassano's pizza about once a month. They've all but disappeared around where I live. My sis found one in Wilmington, OH. It is located in a rehabbed livery. Great adaptive reuse (spoken like an ex-urban planner)! Great pizza, too.
I took the venerable old U.S. Hwy 22/State Route 3 home (aka "3 and 22" in my family). We passed through a fair amount of farmland. I was looking for a a farmer's market or a farmstand. I found something better-the Valley Winery and Schuchter Farm Market. I got tomatoes, potatoes, half-runner beans, eggplant, yellow squash, and peaches, along with a bottle of wine. I got the kids each a stick of old fashioned stick candy (you know-the stripey kind. Looks like a candy cane without the crook at the end). Then I hit Trader Joe's for some staples on the way home.
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